Thursday 26 May 2016

Tarmac to replace paving stones on Brent streets

Mixed pavement this morning in Kings Drive, Wembley
Sometimes seemingly small decisions pass by unnoticed but have a larger longer term impact. This may be the case with a Brent Cabinet decision made on Monday to adopt a default policy of replacing paving stone pavements with tarmac, except in conservation areas and 'frequently used footways'.

The Council is currently running a PR campaign on 'Love where you live' to inspire more pride in the borough. Tarmac pavements change the look of streets substantially but represent a small reduction in costs for a cash-strapped council. Whether they represent long-term 'best value' or inspire more pride is debatable.

There will be some patchwork tarmac repairs but in other areas entire stretches of pavement wil be replaced by tarmac:

Click to enlarge
The full report approved by the Cabinet which includes illustrations of different types of pavement surfaces can be found HERE


Alison Hopkins said...

That's a laugh. Or not. My road hasn't had new pavements in all the time I've lived here. And they're not paving stones, it's broken concrete.

I suspect tarmac won't inspire any kind of "pride".

Martin Francis said...

This is the gloss on the tarmac proposal from Cllr Southwood issued in the Brent Council Newsletter:

The plan will see slabs being replaced with tarmac when doing full pavement renewals in some places, which will help to make pavements more resilient and durable, and fit for purpose for the demands of today. The use of tarmac will also help to make limited resources stretch further, meaning more pavements can be repaired, making the borough a safer, more accessible place to live.

stone sample board said...

Paving stone is necessary.